2009년 3월 23일 월요일

4 charged in airport biker brawl in Australia

SYDNEY – Police defended security levels at Australia's largest airport Monday after a man was beaten to death in the terminal during a brawl by suspected rival biker gangs, but acknowledged they were taken by surprise when fighting broke out.

Four men were charged in connection with the violence that occurred midday Sunday in front of dozens of terrified travelers at Sydney Airport. Police said more arrests were expected.

Police said at least 15 men were involved in the violence, which rampaged from the ground floor up one level to the departures hall before most of the men fled. A police document said the man who died was repeatedly bludgeoned about the head by attackers wielding metal poles they grabbed from passenger barricades.

Police said they believed the man who died was 29-year-old Anthony Zervas, the brother of a well-known Sydney biker.

Sen. Bill Heffernan, a senior opposition lawmaker, said the fight suggested there were serious holes in Sydney Airport's security and aSenate committee should investigate.

"It doesn't say much for the millions of dollars we have spent on airport security, nor does it say much in the event of a (real) terrorist attack what would happen," Heffernan told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty acknowledged the violence took them by surprise but said police officers responded quickly to emergency phone calls for help.

"The police can't be everywhere all the time and this is an event that could have happened anywhere in Australia," Keelty told reporters.

State authorities held urgent meetings Monday to consider introducing tougher laws against biker gangs, amid fears of an escalating gang warthat has included drive-by shootings and a blast outside a fortified Hell's Angel's clubhouse.

New South Wales Premier Nathan Rees announced the state police anti-gang squad would be boosted to 125 members from 50 in response and ordered it to focus on the rising biker violence.

The police document handed to the Sydney Local Court during a bail hearing for the arrested men said the fight erupted after two groups of heavily tattooed men — one believed to be connected to the Hell's Angels and the other to the Commancheros biker gangs — disembarked from the same flight from the southern city of Melbourne.

Authorities acknowledged at the hearing that they had yet to watch security camera footage of the brawl because police were having problems downloading it from the system.

The four suspects were arrested away from the airport. They were charged with fighting in a public place, but not with any crime connected to causing a death. An investigation was still under way to determine the cause of death of the man killed, police said.

The four were refused bail and ordered to reappear in court Wednesday.

Rees said he would consider new laws to crack down on biker gangs with measures such as banning clubhouses and meetings of more than two or three gang members. Officials likened the measures to counterterrorism laws.

"These people have got to understand that's not the sort of behavior we tolerate in Australia and we'll be doing whatever we can to give police whatever powers they need to be able to stamp this out," state Police MinisterTony Kelly said.



Unidad de América Móvil dice sale Venezuela por crisis mundial

CARACAS (Reuters) - La unidad en Venezuela de la mexicana América Móvil decidió cerrar sus operaciones en el país sudamericano como consecuencia de la crisis económica mundial, según un comunicado de la empresa difundido el lunes.

Genesis Telecom es una pequeña firma que brinda acceso a internet y enlace de datos a través de tecnología LMDS a unos 500 clientes corporativos, en un mercado dominado ampliamente por la estatal CANTV.

"Es de amplio conocimiento público la crisis por la que está atravesando la economía mundial, de la cual formamos parte y, lamentablemente, nos ha obligado a finalizar nuestras operaciones en Venezuela", explicó la empresa.

Genesis agregó que la decisión obedece "a la imposibilidad de continuar prestando servicios bajo las condiciones técnicas y de calidad que se requieren para el óptimo funcionamiento, dentro del espectro actualmente asignado", sin aportar otros detalles.

La mayoría accionaria de Genesis Telecom está en manos de una filial de América Móvil, propiedad del magnate mexicano Carlos Slim. Una porción minoritaria está en manos de la sociedad holandesa de inversión Siracusa Investments.

La firma ganó en el año 2000 licencias para operar en todo el país con tecnología WLL (Wireless Local Loop) pero no pudo explotarla debido a problemas internos de su casa matriz de entonces, Bell Canada, y con el desarrollo de la tecnología.



Correa apoya a Paraguay en sus demandas a Brasil sobre Itaipú

Asunción, 23 mar (EFE).- El presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, dijo hoy que Paraguay "tiene todo el derecho" de exigir a Brasil la revisión del tratado de construcción de la hidroeléctrica de Itaipú, la más potente del mundo en funcionamiento.

Desde la llegada del ex obispo Fernando Lugo al poder, el 15 de agosto de 2008, Paraguay insiste sobre una serie de reivindicaciones como el aumento del precio del excedente energético de Itaipú que cede al vecino país y la posibilidad de negociar con terceros países la energía.

"Creo que Paraguay tiene todo el derecho de que se revisen esos contratos. Alguna vez toqué tangencialmente el tema con el presidente (Luiz Inácio) Lula (da Silva) y creo que el es muy abierto", afirmó Correa en una rueda de prensa en la primera jornada de su visita oficial de dos días a este país.

El gobernante se expresó en esos términos al ser consultado sobre una similitud de la situación de Itaipú con la que su país afrontó con Brasil sobre la construcción de una hidroeléctrica por parte de la empresa brasileña Odebrecht.

"Hubo una medida exagerada por parte del Gobierno brasileño en base a informaciones equivocadas. Claro, en base a esa experiencia las conversaciones con Paraguay van a llevarse de la mejor manera", acotó Correa, al hacer hincapié que su país no tuvo ninguna crisis con Brasil y que si éste país en algún momento la tuvo "ya fue superada".

Añadió que el problema suscitado "fue por graves incumplimientos de una constructora brasileña", que fue expulsada de Ecuador.

La relación entre ambos países se deterioró a finales del año pasado después de que el Gobierno ecuatoriano anunciase que iba a ir a un arbitraje internacional para definir la legalidad de un préstamo otorgado a Ecuador por el Banco de Desarrollo (BNDES) de Brasil.

Ese crédito financió la construcción de la hidroeléctrica San Francisco, en el centro de Ecuador, a cargo de Odebrecht, que fue inaugurada a finales de 2007, pero que dejó de funcionar en junio de 2008 por fallos estructurales detectados en la ejecución de la obra.

Ecuador responsabilizó por los daños a Odebrecht, la expulsó del país y recurrió a la Corte Internacional de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional, por sospechas de irregularidades en el manejo de ese crédito del BNDES.



Rugby : la France sauve l’honneur en Italie

Sébatsien Chabal, aux prises avec Carlos Nieto et Paul Griffen.
© REUTERS/ Giampiero Sposito


Le XV de France a écrasé l’Italie sur son terrain, 50 à 8. Une belle victoire, pour cette dernière journée du Tournoi des six nations, qui ne suffit pas à oublier les contre-performances des dernières rencontres. Au classement, la France finit 3e.

Les Français avaient mangé du lion aujourd’hui. Faut-il qu’ils soient dos au mur pour se surpasser, comme ils l’ont fait face aux Italiens ? Toujours est-il que les Bleus ont marqué pas moins de sept essais - Sébastien Chabal, François Trinh-Duc, Maxime Médard (2), Cédric Heymans, Thomas Domingo, Julien Malzieu - trois transformations et trois pénalités de Morgan Parra.


Hervé Novelli vs France 3 Centre: "C'est la direction de France Télévisions qui a retiré le reportage du site"

Mais qu'y a-t-il dans ce reportage? Xavier Nayzet, journaliste à France 3 Centre, a enquêté sur le passé de militant d'extrême-droite d'Hervé Novelli, et évoque aussi une ancienne proximité du secrétaire d'Etat avec l'UIMM, l'Union des industries et métiers de la métallurgie, ébranlée par un scandale financier en 2008.

Dès le lendemain, le 19/20 du 18 mars a été retiré du site internet par la direction de France Télévisions.

L'oeil du Post l'a toutefois retrouvé.

Ce reportage n'aura pas en tout cas empêché Hervé Novelli de gagner les primaires UMP dans la région Centre avec plus de 72, 60% des voix.

Sur Le Post, Xavier Nayzet, le journaliste qui a enquêté sur Hervé Novelli, assume son reportage.

Le reportage ayant été diffusé jeudi soir sur France 3 Centre, avez-vous reçu une plainte d'Hervé Novelli à ce jour (lundi, ndlr)?

"Non, nous n'avons rien reçu. Un de mes confrères m'indiquait ce midi qu'Hervé Novelli avait toujours la ferme intention de porter plainte mais pour cela il faut que Rachida Dati se saisisse du dossier et elle décidera ou pas d'engager des poursuites."

Quand avez-vous commencé à travailler sur le sujet?

"Dès que nous avons su qu'Hervé Novelli se présentait pour les primaires de l'UMP. J'ai commencé à chercher des éléments dès octobre. Mais je m'y suis vraiment attaqué en février, quand Serge Lepeltier a évoqué le passé politique d'Hervé Novelli. Il fallait bien expliquer ses propos aux gens."

Vous attendiez-vous à cette réaction d'Hervé Novelli?

"Non, mais je savais que c'était une possibilité. Il avait envoyé une lettre de mise en garde par l'intermédiaire de son avocat en parlant d''un reportage à charge'. Il savait qu'on préparait un sujet sur son client puisque nous avions demandé une interview de lui. D'ailleurs, c'est sa réponse à notre demande qui a retardé la diffusion du reportage car nous attendions, et finalement, nous avons reçu une lettre à la place".

Des proches d'Hervé Novelli ont dénoncé une "opération purement politique"...

"La veille, un reportage sur Serge Lepeltier a été diffusé, effectivement, il n'était pas du même registre mais ce n'est pas moi qui l'ai réalisé."

Pourquoi avoir supprimé le journal du site de France 3?

"Cette suppression a été faite par la direction de France Télévisions". (une information confirmée au Post par la direction de France Télévisions, ndlr)

Sur Le Post, Dominique Delhoume, le rédacteur en chef de France 3 Centre, Dominique Delhoume assume pleinement: "J'assume la validation du sujet, et la diffusion du sujet à l'antenne. J'ai tout simplement fait mon travail de rédacteur en chef. J'ai donné mon feu vert pour ce reportage quand Serge Lepeltier a parlé du passé d'Hervé Novelli le 3 février".

Et d'ajouter: "Ce que j'ai su, c'est que cette tentative d'intimidation d'Hervé Novelli a provoqué beaucoup d'inquiétudes à la direction de France Télévisions".



Sweden Says No to Saving Saab

Saab Automobile may be just another crisis-ridden car company in an industry full of them. But just as the fortunes of Flint, Mich., are permanently entangled with General Motors, so it is impossible to find anyone in the city of Trollhattan in southwest Sweden who is not somehow connected to Saab, The New York Times’s Sarah Lyall writes.

Which makes it all the more wrenching that the Swedish government has responded to Saab’s desperate financial situation by saying, essentially, tough luck. Or, as the enterprise minister, Maud Olofsson, put it recently, “The Swedish state is not prepared to own car factories.”

Such a view might seem jarring, coming as it does from a country with a reputation for a paternalistic view of workers and companies. The “Swedish model” for dealing with a banking crisis — nationalizing the banks, recapitalizing them and selling them — has been much debated lately in the United States, with free-market defenders warning of a slippery slope of Nordic socialism.

But Sweden has a right-leaning government, elected in 2006 after a long period of Social Democratic rule, that prefers market forces to state intervention and ownership. That fact has made the workers of Trollhattan wish the old socialist model were more in evidence.

“I don’t think the government knows the situation in this town, how many people depend on Saab,” Therese Doeij, 25, a clerk at a photo shop who has several friends who work at the company, told The Times. “To them it’s just a factory. They don’t see the people behind it.”

Governments all over the world are confronting the disintegration of the global automobile market in different ways, with loans, bailouts and takeovers.

But Sweden’s approach has been particularly hard-nosed, and particularly unequivocal.

Why is the government apparently dead set against helping Saab, an iconic brand that stands as a global symbol of Sweden, with Ikea, Volvo and Abba?

That is what Paul Akerlund, the local chairman of the automobile workers’ union, wonders.

“I’m a little surprised,” he told The Times. “They say the market should help itself, but the market has collapsed around the whole world. It’s an extraordinary situation.”

He added, with a note of accusation in his voice, “In Germany, France and England, the government is going in to help the car manufacturers.”

Swedish officials have condemned what they see as protectionism by other European countries that have pledged to prop up their own failing car industries. They have also been scathing about General Motors, Saab’s owner, and the last thing they want is to seem to be bailing out a despised foreign company.

Struggling for its own survival, G.M. has said it will completely pull out of Saab by the end of 2009, a course that Ms. Olofsson, the enterprise minister, described as tantamount to declaring “that they wash their hands of Saab and drop it into the laps of the Swedish taxpayers.”

She told The Times: “We are very disappointed in G.M., but we are not prepared to risk taxpayers’ money. This is not a game of Monopoly.”

Saab lost about $343 million last year. It is now going through a Swedish process known as reorganization, a step short of bankruptcy, as it tries to persuade its creditors to prop it up while it looks for a buyer. Joe Oliver, a spokesman, told The Times in an interview that “around six serious investors,” from Sweden and abroad, had expressed interest.

Time is running out.

But the prospect of failure is too awful for Trollhattan’s mayor, Gert-Inge Andersson, to even contemplate. In a city of about 54,000 people, Saab employs 4,000.

“I’m being optimistic, because I can’t envision a time when Saab doesn’t exist,” Mr. Andersson told The Times in an interview in City Hall.

His son worked at Saab for a decade; his daughter’s boyfriend works there now. “Saab is our identity,” he told The Times. “We have lived with it for many years, and it’s very important to all of us.”

Saab was always known for its innovative engineering. But analysts say that in recent years, with General Motors’ emphasis on volume rather than individuality, it has lost its edge.

“Under G.M.’s ownership, they denuded the intellectual content behind the brand,” Peter Wells, who teaches at Cardiff Business School in Wales and specializes in the automotive industry, told The Times. “Its products are not exciting enough, and Saab doesn’t have a strong brand identity anymore.”

The numbers speak all too loudly. Saab sold just 93,295 vehicles worldwide last year, 21,383 of them in the United States. As global demand plummets, the expectations for this year are even more dire. The company announced this month that it planned to lay off 750 workers in Trollhattan.

This is not a rich city. Besides Saab, the largest employer is the municipal government. The houses run mostly to modest wooden two-story structures and low-rise brick apartment buildings. But about 40 percent of the people here drive Saabs, Mayor Andersson said. On a cold evening last month, 3,000 people held a torchlight ceremony to show their support for the company.

Leave the tourist office and you come immediately to the Saab Museum. A shining, sparkling valentine to a company and an industry, it features treasures like the groundbreaking turbo engine unveiled at the 1977 Frankfurt automobile show, and the prototype of the very first Saab car, from 1947 — Ur-Saab, its license plate says proudly. All the cars here, even the rarest and most precious, are still driven from time to time by enthusiasts.

Some 50,000 tourists visit each year, said Ola Bolander, who works at the museum. Saab sponsors a festival for its fans every other year; 20,000 came to the last one, in 2007. “Saab has always been a bit different, a bit more interesting,” Mr. Bolander told The Times. “It’s gone its own way, and it’s in the heart of the Swedish people.”

Sweden has nine million people. Labor leaders say Saab’s collapse would disproportionately affect southwest Sweden, an industrial belt that is also home to Volvo. But it would reverberate through the rest of the economy, which depends heavily on industrial exports, jeopardizing perhaps tens of thousands of jobs.

Sweden is famous for its generous unemployment provisions, which include retraining for laid-off workers. But unemployment is quickly rising. Tomas Eneroth, a member of Parliament and the spokesman for industry and trade for the opposition Social Democrats, said the government’s tough line was foolish.

“The fact that they are so passive,” he told The Times, “is every day now making it worse and jeopardizing the possibility of having Saab still in Sweden.”

Around the corner from City Hall, Johann Riden, a sales clerk in an electronics store, said about half his customers worked either at Saab or at companies that do business with Saab.

“I have friends there, my colleagues have family there, and my friends have family there,” Mr. Riden, 32, told The Times. “If you look around, you see Saab everywhere.”



Manitoba RCMP make drug bust in Norway House

RCMP in Norway House seized more than a half-kilogram of marijuana and 125 grams of cocaine and crack cocaine on the weekend.

"This seizure was significant because it represents approximately 1,300 individual dose units, which would have been sold in the community of Norway House," stated an RCMP news release.

The community, about 450 kilometres north of Winnipeg, has a population of approximately 6,500 people.

The seizure was made during a routine check stop. A man and a woman, both 19 and both from Norway House, were arrested and charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking.

They are scheduled to appear in provincial court in Thompson, 190 kilometres north of Norway House, on Tuesday.



Suncor to buy Petro-Canada for $15 billion





CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) – Suncor Energy Inc said on Monday it will buy rival Petro-Canada to create Canada's biggest oil company, dominant in the Alberta oil sands and able to slash costs as it looks to weather a period of low oil prices.

Suncor is offering C$18.43 billion ($15.1 billion) for Petro-Canada in an all-share deal. That makes it the largest Canadian oil and gas takeover ever, according to Thomson Reuters data, and the biggest takeover of a Canadian company since 2007, when Rio Tinto bought aluminum producer Alcan for $43 billion.

The deal targets C$1.3 billion in annual savings for the combined company in an environment in which plummeting oil prices have made it hard to turn a profit from squeezing crude out of the oil sands in northern Alberta, the world's biggest reserves outside the Middle East.

The merger will create a company with 100 years worth of reserves, four refineries in Canada and the United States, a chain of retail gasoline stations and more than 680,000 barrels a day of oil and gas production.

"We now have a new integrated national champion," said Dom Grestoni, managing partner at IG Investment Management, which holds about 6 million Petro-Canada shares and 11 million Suncor shares.

The deal comes after a period of missed earnings targets and project delays at Petro-Canada, which has been under pressure from shareholders to boost its lagging share price, which had been trading at 2003 levels.

Suncor will be able to use its new heft to further cut costs at its oil sands operations, adding Petro-Canada's oil sands properties -- including the planned Fort Hills project -- and keep growing despite low oil prices.

"We had two options," Rick George, Suncor's chief executive, said on a conference call. "We could pull back ... or do something that would really strengthen our position and allow us to take a look at investing and coming out of this cycle even stronger than ever."

The merger may also let the two companies breathe new life into projects that stalled when oil prices plunged.

Suncor, the No. 2 oil sands company behind Syncrude Canada Ltd, has delayed a 200,000 barrel per day expansion of its oil sands operations, while soaring costs have pushed Petro-Canada to delay Fort Hills as it sought to cut the project's cost.

Ron Brenneman, Petro-Canada's chief executive, said the merger could bring down the price at Fort Hills, letting the company scale back a planned pipeline for the project and use Suncor's upgraders to convert the mined bitumen into refinery-ready synthetic crude instead of building a stand-alone facility.

"It was a real eye opener for me to see the number and quality and quantity of the opportunities we saw in putting the two companies together, particularly in the oil sands area," Brenneman said.

Suncor's bid may also spark rivals to consolidate operations, looking to gain some of the costs savings that the new company will enjoy.

"This highlights that there are some real efficiencies to be had when you put together big entities like this," said Garey Aitken, chief investment officer at Bisset Investment Management, which controls 3 million Petro-Canada shares and 2 million Suncor shares. "Maybe it will have people sharpen their minds to this."

Petro-Canada shareholders will receive 1.28 common shares of the merged company for each Petro-Canada share, while Suncor shareholders will get one common share of the merged company for each Suncor share.

The offer represents a premium of about 28 percent to the C$29.65 closing price of Petro-Canada shares on Friday, assuming there were 484.4 million Petro-Canada shares outstanding as of December 31, 2008.

Petro-Canada's shares jumped C$6.05, or 20 percent, to C$35.70 on the Toronto Stock Exchange, while Suncor slid 16 Canadian cents to C$30.74.

On completion of the deal, Suncor's shareholders will own about 60 percent of the merged company, the companies said, and they expect to achieve annual operating expenditure reductions of C$300 million.

They also expect to achieve annual capital efficiencies of about C$1 billion through the elimination of redundant spending and by focusing capital spending on high-return, near-term projects.

Petro-Canada had been protected from a hostile takeover by Canadian legislation that prohibited anyone from holding more than 20 percent of the former government-owned company.

Brenneman said he expects that because of the structure of the agreement, the existing legislation will now apply to the new company, which will retain the Suncor name

($1=$1.22 Canadian)

(Additional reporting by Bhaswati Mukhopadhyay, David Ljunggren, Euan Rocha and Tom Bergin; Editing by Peter Galloway and Rob Wilson)



Scientists Drill Into Greenland Ice for Climate-Change Clues

Scientists are to dig up ice dating back more than 100,000 years in an attempt to shed light on how global warming will change the world over the next century.

The ice, at the bottom of the Greenland ice sheet, was laid down at a time when temperatures were 3 top 5 degrees Celsius (5 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than they are today.

With temperatures forecast to rise by up to 7 degrees Celsius in the next 100 years, the ice, more than 8,000 feet (2,400 meters) below the surface, is thought by researchers to hold valuable clues to how much of the ice sheet will melt.

Drilling will start in northern Greenland during the summer in an international project involving researchers from 18 countries to extract ice cores covering the Eemian interglacial stage.

The Eemian began 130,000 years ago, ending 15,000 years later, and is the most recent time in the Earth's past when temperatures resembled those that can be expected if greenhouse gas emissions are not brought under control.



Polling to end early in Orissa's troubled areas

The Election Commission Monday announced that voting would end an hour earlier in some areas of Orissa in the first phase April 16.
The constituencies where polling would end an hour early - at 3 p.m. - come under Nabrangpur, Berhampur, Koraput and Kandhamal Lok Sabha areas, the office of the chief electoral officer Orissa said in a statement.
Although no reason was given, the areas where polling ends early are considered troubled areas and known for Maoist activities.
Orissa will go to polls in two phases - April 16 and April 23 - to elect 147 members to the state assembly and 21 members to Lok Sabha. During the first phase, polling will be held in 10 Lok Sabha and 70 assembly segments.
The change of timing will be effective in 19 assembly constituencies, the statement said. Voting in other places would however take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Thailand energy company expands

hailand's top energy firm has said it will look for more acquisitions in the Asia-Pacific region.
PTT has said it will look beyond its core gas and oil businesses in Thailand for more foreign businesses.
The company has already said it will buy part of Australian miner Straits Resources, as a means of launching itself into coal and salt assets.
Last December, it also bought Australia’s Coogee Resources for $170 million.



Friendly finishes goalless

Saudi Arabia and Iraq played out a goalless draw in a friendly match at the King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh.

The match was a part of Saudi Arabia's preparations for their game against Iran in a 2010 World Cup qualifier in Tehran later this week.

Newly appointed coach Jorge Peseiro aimed to test his squad in his first match with the team, who need to beat Iran in order to keep alive their qualification hopes.

All 24 Saudi players featured in the game but failed to score with their best chance coming late on when Naif Hazazi's close-range shot was denied by the Iraqi goalkeeper.

Striker Yasser Al-Qahtani, who is suspended for the match in Tehran, missed the game while his teammate Malek Al-Hawsawi also was absent through injury.

"We came to win and to prepare the team for Tehran clash and it was also a chance for me to know more about some players" Peseiro said after the game.

"I am sure we have a lot to do when we face Iran."

Saudi Arabia play Iran on March 28 before hosting UAE April 1.



Egypt reports new human case of bird flu: WHO

Egypt reports new human case of bird flu: WHO
AFP/File – Chickens at a farm near Jamasa city, north of Cairo. A 38-year-old woman has been hospitalised after …

GENEVA, March 23, 2009 (AFP) – A 38-year-old woman has been hospitalised after contracting bird flu in Egypt, where some 23 people have been killed by the disease since 2006, the World Health Organization said Monday.

"The Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt has reported a new confirmed human case of avian influenza," said the WHO in a statement on its website.

The victim from the Elfath district in central Egypt showed symptoms of fever and headache on March 14, and was admitted to hospital on the same day.

"Infection with H5N1 avian influenza was confirmed on March 18 by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory," the WHO said.

She has been given treatment and was "in a stable condition," added the WHO.

"Investigations into the source of her infection indicate a history of close contact with dead and sick poultry prior to becoming ill," said the WHO.

Some 59 people have contracted the disease in Egypt since it was first detected there three years ago, according to the WHO.

The H5N1 flu virus has killed 250 people worldwide since 2003, with most lives claimed in southeast Asia.

The virus typically spreads from birds to humans via direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to kill millions in a pandemic.


WBC final primer: Korea vs. Japan

It's fitting that the second World Baseball Classic has come down to a final between Japan and Korea, as the rivalry between those two nations has dominated the tournament both this year and in 2006. In the inaugural tournament, Korea beat Japan twice in pool play (by scores of 3-2 and 2-1) only to lose to them 6-0 in the semifinals. This year, they were the only two teams from the '06 semifinals to return to the final four, and they meet in the final having already faced off four times in pool play.

Japan and Korea not only enter tonight's final with identical 6-2 records, but each is the only team to have beaten the other, as they split their previous four matchups 2-2. The Japanese won the first confrontation, shocking everyone by mercying their rivals 14-2 in seven innings in Round 1 to clinch a berth in Round 2. Korea then answered back in the Round 1 seeding game, beating Japan 1-0 thanks in large part to 5 1/3 scoreless innings from starter and former Atlanta Braves lefty Jung Keun Bong. Bong threw another 5 1/3 solid innings against Japan in Round 2, as Korea clinched its semifinal berth with a 4-1 win. In that round, it was Japan that returned serve with a seeding-game victory, beating Korea 6-2.

Not surprisingly, Korea will start Bong again tonight. His combined line from his two previous victories over Japan in this tournament is 10 2/3 IP, 6 H, 1 R, 3 BB, 3 K. All three of those hits were singles, two of which didn't leave the infield. Pitching on five day's rest with a 100-pitch limit, Bong could very well pitch his team to the title. Then again, seeing him for the third-time in two weeks could give Japan an edge it didn't have in its previous two confrontations with Bong.

Bong's advantage over Japan is in no small part due to the hand he throws with. Japan has a heavily left-handed offense, as second baseman Akinori Iwamuraand the entire Japanese outfield (including the reserves) swing southpaw. In fact, nine of the 15 non-pitchers on the Japanese roster bat exclusively left-handed. Catcher Kenji Johjima, who is both right-handed and Japan's leading hitter in the tournament (.400/.393/.560 after a trio of sacrifices last night), has three of Japan's six hits against Bong in this tournament, and there is little doubt that managerTatsunori Hara will attempt to work as many other righty bats into his lineup tonight as he can. Unfortunately for Hara, of the six right-handed hitters on his roster, one is his third-string catcher.This means he'll have a minimum of four left-handed bats in his lineup, including Iwamura, the struggling Ichiro Suzuki(.211/.211/.289 with just one stolen base) and center fielder Kosuke Fukudome, who has seven walks but just four hits in the tournament. Against the U.S. Sunday night, Hara had seven left-handed bats in his lineup and his team managed just two singles while striking out six times in 3 1/3 innings against the U.S.'s left-handed relievers. Korea has four left-handed pitchers with whom it can follow Bong.

As was signaled by Hara's use of Yu Darvish to close Sunday night's game, Japan will counter Bong with right-handed starter Hisashi Iwakuma. Iwakuma dominated the Pacific League for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles last year, going 21-4 in just 28 starts and posting a 1.87 ERA, 0.98 WHIP and 4.42 K/BB ratio. It was Iwakuma who dueled with Bong in Korea's 1-0 Round 1 seeding win, allowing one run on two singles and three walks while striking out five. In Round 2, Iwakuma threw six scoreless innings against Cuba and Japan went on to eliminate its 2006 final opponent and clinch another semifinal berth. Iwakuma's combined line from those two starts is 11 1/3, 7 H, 1 R, 4 BB, 6 K. First baseman Tae Kyun Kim, Korea's cleanup hitter (.385/.515/.769 with a tournament-best three homers and 11 RBIs), singled in the only run Iwakuma has allowed in the tournament.

Given the presence of Bong and Iwakuma, tonight's final looks to be another tense, low scoring ballgame. It could come down to the bullpens, in which case it will be all hands on deck. The only reliever on either team to throw 30 pitches in the semifinals -- thereby disqualifying himself from tonight's game -- was Japanese righty Takahiro Mahara, who gave up two runs in the eighth inning against the U.S. Darvish threw 21 pitches in the ninth last night, but remains eligible tonight.

That's not to slight the two offenses. Korea and Japan scored a combined 19 runs in the two semifinal games, each winning easily. Rather, when the two get together, things tend to tighten up. Indeed, if Japan to repeats as WBC champions tonight, they'll affirm their place as the dominant team in the tournament's brief history, but they'd still have only split their eight WBC contests against Korea.




The anniversary of Holodomor - or Death by Hunger as it is known here - is traditionally marked in late November, when the food shortages began. The famine was orchestrated by dictator Josef Stalin to force peasants to give up their land and join collective farms and Ukraine, known as the breadbasket of the Soviet Union, suffered the most. (Photos by Yaroslav Debelyi, AP, Mykhaylo Markiv)



Ukraine's boxer Vitali Klitschko, left, punches Cuba's boxer Juan Carlos Gomez, right, during the WBC heavyweight Championship fight in Stuttgart, Germany, on Saturday, March 21. Klitschko retained his WBC heavyweight title by beating Juan Carlos Gomez on a technical knockout in the ninth round on Saturday.


Ukraine's gas pipelines cannot be upgraded without Russia, Moscow tells Kyiv, Brussels

Moscow - Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko doubts the Ukrainian gas transportation system can be upgraded without Russia.

"We were puzzled by a clearly bilateral format of the agreements expected to be signed after this conference, and already signed by the European Union and Ukraine," Shmatko said in an interview with NTV television on Monday.

"We are going to issue a relevant statement right now and we'll try to persuade our European and Ukrainian colleagues to cooperate in a trilateral format on a problem of such importance for Russia, Ukraine and Europe," Shmatko said on the sidelines of an international conference on gas transportation system modernization in Brussels.

"The problem of upgrading the Ukrainian gas transportation system does exist and the European Union is concerned," Russia's EU ambassador Vladimir Chizhov told NTV television.

"I see a trilateral format of cooperation between Russia, Ukraine and the EU as the only way to resolve the whole set of these problems effectively - naturally with international financial institutions involved," Chizhov said.



2009년 2월 24일 화요일

봄은 애교코디의 계절

March(3月)가 코 앞으로 다가 왔네요.

요즘 날씨가 점점 따뜻해지기에 봄과 관련한 훈훈한 게시물을 준비해 봤어요~ 여성분들의 S/S 시즌 이지 캐주얼룩 퍼레이드!!


↑시작부터 상큼한 사진이죠? 이 분의 코디는 개인적으로 제가 제일 싫어하지만… 헤어스타일과 페이스에 애교가 넘쳐서 담아봤습니다.  <이미지 출처 : www.ciara.co.kr>


↑ 이 분의 코디는 초 봄이 컨셉인듯 웨이브진 헤어스탈과 청자켓이 잘 어울리네요. 하지만 하반신 코디가 정말 못봐주겠어서 상반신 컷만 올려요~ <이미지 출처 : www.alida.co.kr>


↑ 이 분은 개인적으로 제가 자주 구경 가는 쇼핑몰의 모델인지 사장님인지… 아무튼 매력 있어요♥  정말 코디하기 힘든 누더기 거적같은 자켓을 멋진 바디라인과 페이스로 소화하시네요. 일반인은 따라하면 거지되기 쉽상인데… <이미지 출처 : www.stylebymas.com>


↑ 제가 개인적으로 너무 좋아하는 여성분의 코디 입니다. 저는 저렇게 긴 머리에 셔츠를 입으시는 여성분을 보면 강한 승부욕에 생겨요…     보기만해도 싱그럽지 않나요? <이미지 출처 : www.funfungirl.biz>

dory3cjdwkzpt2dory2  dory1

↑ 이 분의 코디에 제가 좋아하는 포인트가 다 들어있어요. 루즈한 맨투맨, 모자(페도라), 레이어드… “여성분의 옷 발 = 외소한 어깨 + 조두(鳥頭 ; 작은 머리)”이라는 공식을 철저하게 보여주는 모델이네요… 일반인이 따라하면 뭔가 어정쩡한 스타일이 나오기 쉽상 입니다… 여성분들이 왜 다이어트를 죽을때까지 하는지 조금 이해가 가시나요? 사진상으로 모델 분의 바디라인이 훌륭해 보이지만 저런 분들 실제로 만나면 한 손으로 들고 다닐 만큼 가볍고 스키니한 체형을 가졌어요. 이 분은 눈웃음도 이쁜데 코디에서도 “애교”가 보이네요. 저런 스타일은 90년대 후반에서 2000년 초반의 유행하던 스타일이네요. 그 말인즉 못 입으면 촌티나 보일 수 있다는 뜻인데… 아무튼 “애교코디”입니다. 전 정말 이런 분들을 사랑합니다♥ <이미지 출처 : www.naning9.com>

솔직히 남자로써 예쁜여자 당연히 좋아합니다. 하지만 페이스가 예쁘지 않아도  스타일이 좋은 분들을 정말 좋아합니다♥ 남자나 여자나 슈트는 백화점가서 돈 좀 주고 좋은 옷 입으면 다들 잘 어울리고 멋지죠. 반면에 캐쥬얼은 아무나 쉽게 멋내기 힘들어요. 캐쥬얼을 잘 입는 분들을 진짜 멋쟁이라고 부르잖아요. 남자들의 마음을 녹이는 건 숨막히는 허벅지라인, 탄력있는 바스트, 쏙 들어간 개미 허리… 이런 것들 아니에요.

그건 바로 “애교”

올 봄엔 애교코디 잘 하는 여성분과 데이트하고 싶네요!!

2009년 2월 22일 일요일

Casey_G match Me?

아침부터 컨트롤 안되는 이상한 여자애의 전화를 받고 실갱이를 벌였다. 기분이 나빠서 블로그에 말 안듣는 여자에 대한 포스팅을 하려던 참에 MSN을 확인했다. Mail이 1개 와서 읽어보았더니 Macth.com의 mail인데...

Casey_G... 이거 어디서 많이 들은 이름인데... 설마했는데 ㅋㅋ

아니 어제까지만해도 나랑 같이 수다떨고, 싱가폴이랑 한국이랑 핸드폰 얘기하다가 국제문자를 해보자고 머리를 굴리던 그 애가 왜 여기서 등장을 하니... 덕분에 웃어서 기분이 좋아졌어!! 근데 너 언제부터 서울시 마포구에 살고 있었니?ㅋㅋ

너 이거 국제적인 사기야...

내가 바라는 이상형 중에 한가지가 한국어와 영어를 포함해 3개국어 이상을 할 수 있는 사람이다. 아무래도 나중에 비지니스를 대비해서... 유리는 자격이 되지만 아직 어려서...

어찌됐건, 너도 나중에 확인하면 웃으라고 내가 윙크 보냈어 ㅎㅎ

2009년 2월 21일 토요일

100 : 106

모두가 공평할순 없다.
1 : 1.06의 경쟁률...
100커플이 탄생하면, 6명의 남자는 독신의 인생을 살아야 한다.
물론 작년 기준이다. "그래도 07년보단 나아졌네요!"라는 무식한 발언을 하시는 분들은 안계시겠죠? "요즘 출산률이 급격하게 감소하고 있어서 그렇습니다."라고 친절하게 답변해 드립니다.
짐캐리의 영화 "YESMAN"을 보셨나요?
지금 부정적인 생각과 불만이 가득한 당신에게 호감을 줄 여유 넉넉한 여자는 아무도 없습니다.
한 여자에게 7명의 남자가 호감을 보이고, 그 중 한남자만 선택 받을 수 있습니다. 나머지 6명은 독신으로 살아야 하는데...
이거 어쩌면 좋습니까? 인생에서 결혼이 정말 중요하다고 여기시는 분은...
장난질 그만하고, 진짜 연애다운 연애 끝까지 하시길 바랍니다.
그리고 아직 애인이 없으신분들은... 기회가 생기면 무조건 잡으세요!
머뭇머뭇 고민하다가 버스는 떠납니다.

2009년 2월 13일 금요일

이성 친구 꼬시는 10가지 방법

인터넷 뉴스를 검색하다가 "이성을 꼬시는 10가지 방법"이라는 기사를 보았다. 별반 기대는 안했지만 나같은 사람에겐 그다지 도움은 안되는 글인데 건성건성 읽다보니 이게 솔직히 틀린말은 없더라... 함께 읽어 보자!

2월 14일 밸런타인 데이가 하루 앞으로 다가왔다. 사랑하는 사람에게 카드, 꽃다발, 사탕을 선물하면서 사랑을 고백하는 날이다. 국내에서는 일본의 풍습을 받아 들여 밸런타인 데이는 여성이 남성에게 선물하고, 한 달 뒤인 3월 14일은 ‘화이트 데이’라고 해서 남성이 여성에게 선물하는 날로 되어 있지만 서양에서는 밸런타인 데이에 남녀를 불문하고 이성에게 사랑을 고백하는 날로 통한다. 한국과 일본에서는 여기에 제과업자들이 상술까지 가세해 초콜릿을 선물하기도 한다.

어쨌거나 밸런타인 데이는 연인에게는 사랑을 재확인하는 날이지만 싱글 남녀들에겐 새로운 사랑을 찾아 나서는 기회다. 영국 일간지 데일리 텔리그래프 지는 밸런타인 데이 특집으로 이례적으로 ‘이성에게 구애하는 10가지 방법’을 실었다. ‘연애의 고수들’과의 인터뷰를 기초로 한 것이다. 천부적인 카사노바가 아니라도 다음 10가지만 지키면 성공할 것이다.

1. 상대방의 말을 경청하라

남이 말할 때 귀를 쫑긋 세우고 열심히 들어주는 것만큼 매력적인 것도 없다. 가끔씩 맞장구도 쳐줘라. 혼자만 지껄이지 말고 상대방으로 하여금 말을 많이 하게 만드는 게 좋다.

2. 웃어라

‘웃는 얼굴에 침 뱉으랴’ 하는 속담도 있지만 웃을 때 나오는 호르몬 때문에 기분이 좋아진다. 상대방도 마찬가지다.

3. 긍정적으로 생각하라

의심, 분노, 두려움에 휩싸여 혼잣말로 지껄이지 말라.

4. 마음을 가라 앉히라

이성에게 말을 거는 것은 라디오 방송을 진행하는 것과 같다. 신경질과 초조함, 짜증 섞인 마음 가짐을 갖고 있다면 목소리에 그대로 배어 나온다.

5. 외모에 자신감을 가져라

자연스럽게 평소처럼 행동하면 브래드 피트, 조지 클루니, 데이비드 베컴도 부럽지 않다.

6. 마음에 드는 사람의 환심을 사기 위해서만 노력하지 말라

닥치는 대로 사람들과 만나고 사귀라. 남자(여자) 꼬시는 법을 갈고 닦을 수 있는 좋은 방법이다.

7. 상대방을 똑바로 쳐다 보라

눈빛만으로도 자기 마음을 충분히 전달할 수 있다.

8. 소품을 사용하는 것을 두려워 말라

애완견, 모자, 아기(자기가 낳은 아기는 안된다)도 자연스러운 대화로 연결할 수 있는 방법이다.

9. 상대방의 칭찬에 대해 토를 달지 말라

어떤 남자가 당신의 옷에 대해 칭찬을 할 때“누더기 같은 드레스요? 이거 헌옷 가게에서 2 파운드(약 4000원)주고 샀는 걸요”라고 말하지 말라. 그냥 고맙다고 말하고 화제를 바꾸라.

10. 헤어진 옛 애인 얘기일랑 꺼내지 말라

아무리 재미있는 경험담이라고 해도 옛 애인과 헤어진 것은 슬프게 마련이다. 옛 애인에 대해서는 일언반구도 말하지 말라. 밝고 유쾌한 분위기를 이끌어가라.

<이미지 출처 : www.pinknbabi.com>

2009년 1월 30일 금요일

what am i doing wrong?

미국 최대 (비상업) 중고품 거래 사이트인 craigslist.org 게시판에 올라온 글입니다.

postingid : 431649184
title : what am i doing wrong?
제목 : 제가 뭘 잘못하고 있죠?

okay, i’m tired of beating around the bush.
저도 이제 빙빙 돌려 말하는거에 지쳤습니다.
i’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl.
전 아주 아름다운 25살 여성이고요.

i’m articulate and classy.
전 똑똑하고 세련됬습니다.

i’m not from new york.전 뉴욕 출신이 아니고요.
i’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year.
일년에 최소 50만불이상은 버는 남성과 결혼하고 싶습니다.

i know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in new york city, so i don’t think i’m overreaching at all.
이상한 소리처럼 들리시겠지만, 뉴욕시에선 50만불 버는건 중간정도밖에 안되니, 너무 과한걸 원하는건 아니라고 봅니다.

are there any guys who make 500k or more on this board?
혹시 50만불 이상 버는 남자들 중 이 게시판 읽으시는분 있으신가요?
any wives?
혹시 그런 분의 부인분이요?

could you send me some tips?
저한테 팁을 좀 보내주실 수 있나요?

i dated a business man who makes *erage around 200 - 250.
전에 일년에 20~25만불을 버는 사업가와 사귀었었는데.

but that’s where i seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won’t get me to central park west.
장애물이 보이더라고요. 25만불로는 센트럴 파크 서쪽(cpw)에 살 수 없어요.

i know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in tribeca, and she’s not as pretty as i am, nor is she a great genius.
제 요가 클래스에 투자은행원과 결혼한 여성이 있는데 tribeca (맨해튼 남쪽 부*역)에 살아요. 근데 그 여성은 저만큼 이쁘지도 않고, 대단한 천재도 아니에요.

so what is she doing right? how do i get to her level?
그런데 그 여성은 어떻게 한거죠? 어떻게 그 여성과 같은 레벨이 될 수 있을까요.

here are my questions specifically:
구체적으로 말하자면:

where do you single rich men hang out? give me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms
독신 부자 남성들은 어디서 주로 노나요? 바? 레스토랑? 헬스장?

what are you looking for in a mate? be honest guys, you won’t hurt my feelings
짝으로는 어떤 사람을 찾고 있나요? 솔직히 말해주세요. 상처입지 않을께요.

is there an age range i should be targeting (i’m 25)?
특정 연령대를 찾아봐야 할까요? (전 25살입니다)

why are some of the women living l*ish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain?
왜 북동부에 사치스런 삶을 사는 여성들은 몇몇은 아주 평범할까요?

i’ve seen really ‘plain jane’ boring types who h*e nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys.
너무 평범해서 부자 남편에게 별로 해줄만한게 없는 그런 타입을 몇몇 봤거든요.

i’ve seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village.
동부지역에 독신들이 모이는 바에 가면 정말 끝내주는 여성들을 본적이 있거든요.

what’s the story there?
어떻게 된건가요?

jobs i should look out for?
특정한 직업대를 찾아봐야 하나요?

everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor.
변호사, 투자가, 의사등등은 다들 아는거고요.

how much do those guys really make?
그 사람들은 실제로 얼마나 벌죠?

and where do they hang out?
그리고 그 사람들은 어디서 보통 놀죠?

where do the hedge fund guys hang out?
헤지펀드가지고 노는 사람들은 어디서 노냐고요.

how you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend?
결혼과 여자친구와의 차이를 어떻게 구분하나요?

i am looking for marriage only
전 결혼만 원합니다.

please hold your insults - i’m putting myself out there in an honest way.
절 비난하지 마세요. 전 아주 정직하게 말하는 겁니다.

most beautiful women are superficial; at least i’m being up front about it.
정말 이쁜 여자들은 내숭 떱니다. 전 최소한 대놓고 말하잖아요.

i wouldn’t be searching for these kind of guys if i wasn’t able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.
제가 그런 여자들하고 비교해서 외모나, 문화나, 철학이나, 집보기나 따뜻한 마음에 뒤진다면 부자 남자들을 찾지도 않을겁니다.

postingid : 432279810게시번호 : 432279810
the answer답변
dear pers - 431649184:431649184 씨에게...

i read your posting with great interest and h*e thought- meaningfully about your dilemma.
당신 글을 흥미있게 읽었고, 당신이 처한 딜레마에 대해 의미있는 생각을 해봤습니다.

i offer the following *ysis of your predicament.
당신의 고민에 대해 다음과 같은 분석을 해 드리겠습니다.

firstly, i’m not wasting your time, i qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is i make more than $500k per year.
일단 저도 당신 시간 낭비하고 싶지 않습니다. 전 당신이 찾는 남자중에 하나입니다. 저도 일년에 50만불 이상을 법니다.

that said here’s how i see it.
그리고 제 의견을 말씀드리죠.

your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal.
저같은 사람들이 보기에 당신이 제시한건 단순하고 엉터리 비지니스 거래입니다.

here’s why.
이유를 말씀드리죠.

cutting through all the b.s., what you suggest is a simple trade:
빙빙 돌리지 않고 말씀드리죠. 당신이 제안한건 간단한 교환입니다:

you bring your looks to the party and i bring my money.
당신은 파티에 외모를 가지고 오면, 전 돈을 가지고 오는거죠.

fine, simple.

but here’s the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity…in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won’t be getting any more beautiful!
여기서 마찰이 생기는 겁니다. 당신의 외모는 갈수록 시들해질꺼고, 제 돈은 영원하겠죠. 아니, 사실 오히려 미래에 돈을 더 많이 벌 확률이 있지만, 당신의 외모가 더 이뻐질 확률은 절대 없습니다.

so, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and i am an earning asset.
즉, 경제용어로 설명하자면 당신은 감가상각의 자산이고, 전 증가하는 자산입니다.

not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates!
당신은 그냥 감가상각이 아닙니다. 갈수록 감가상각의 가속이 이루어 지는거죠!

let me explain, you’re 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year.
설명해 드리죠. 당신은 25살이고, 앞으로 5년정도는 꽤 이쁠겁니다. 하지만 매년 조금씩 줄어들겠죠.

then the fade begins in earnest. by 35 stick a fork in you!
그리고 나선 빠른 속도로 악화됩니다. 35살 정도 되면 거의 다 시들었겠죠.

so in wall street terms, we would call you a trading p!osition, not a buy and hold…hence the rub…marriage.
그러니 월 스트리스 용어로 말하면, 당신은 매각의 대상이지, 구매나 저축의 대상이 아닙니다. 그래서 결혼이라는 개념과 마찰을 일으키는 겁니다.

it doesn’t make good business sense to “buy you” (which is what you’re asking) so i’d rather lease.
결국 당신을 “사는”(당신이 원하는 거죠)건 별로 좋은 경영센스가 아니니, 그냥 리스(lease:대여)하는게 낫습니다.

in case you think i’m being cruel, i would say the following.
제가 잔인하다고 생각할지도 모르니 이렇게 말씀드리죠.

if my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades i need an out.
어짜피 제 돈이 없어지면 당신도 절 떠날겁니다. 그러니 당신 외모가 시들해지면 저도 빠져나와야 겠죠.

it’s as simple as that.
간단한 겁니다.

so a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.
그러니 데이트는 되도 결혼은 좋은 거래가 아닙니다.

separately, i was taught early in my career about efficient markets.
또한 별개로, 전 예전에 “효율적인 시장원리”에 대해 배웠습니다.

so, i wonder why a girl as “articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful” as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy.
그래서 당신 말대로 “똑똑하고 세련되고 아름다우신” 여성분이 왜 아직도 남편감을 찾지 못했는지 궁금하군요.

i find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500k hasn’t found you, if not only for a tryout.
당신이 정말 50만불의 가치가 있는 정도로 대단한 여성이라면, 50만불 이상 버는 남성들이 최소한 “일단 시도”라도 해 보 지 않았을 리가 없습니다.

by the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn’t need to h*e this difficult conversation.
근데, 당신이 스스로 그런 정도의 돈을 벌 수 있다면, 이런 어려운 대화를 하고 있을 필요도 없을겁니다.

with all that said, i must say you’re going about it the right way. classic “pump and dump.”
이렇게 말했지만, 당신이 제대로된 전략을 세우고 있다고는 말씀 드릴 수 있겠군요. 고전적인 “다 뽑아낸 후 차버려라”식의 꽃뱀전략입니다.

i hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.
이게 도움이 되셨으면 좋겠습니다. 그리고 만약 “리스”거래에 관심이 있으시면 연락 주세요.

2009년 1월 23일 금요일


<이미지를 클릭하시면 원본 크기로 감상 가능합니다>

예전 match.com에 내 프로필을 올렸더니 mail이 왔다. 기대 없이 open했는데 좀 괜찮다 싶은 소소한 이미지의 사진이 있더라. 바로 프로필을 확인해서 읽는데...
슬프다. 슬퍼...

2009년 1월 20일 화요일

연상녀 J

지난주 선배 Y를 만나기 위해 무리한 덤핑조인트를 감안하고 부천에 갔다. 선배 Y도 자신의 선배 J를 만나야하니 시간도 안 맞고 그냥 같이 보자는 것이다. 1층에 있는 민속주점 비슷한 음식점에 들어간 선배와 나는 J가 오길 기다리며 소주 몇 잔을 주거니 받거니 하던 중 J가 도착했다. Y와 J는 국내 대기업인 S그룹에 다니고 있다. 사내 선후배 사이로 얼마 전 상을 당한 J를 위로하기 위한 자리였다. 항상 그렇듯이 깍듯이 인사를 한 후 서로 소개를 하였다. 난 둘의 대화를 방해하고 싶지 않아서 적당히 말을 아꼈다. 상을 당한 J는 요즘 마음도 우울하고, 외로운 모양이다. 대화가 그리 밝지 못했다.

2차를 bar로 옮긴 후 잠시 화장실에 가려고 테이블 위에 올려놓은 장갑이 사라졌다. 알고보니 J가 무의식중에 자신의 것인줄 착각하고 가방에 집어넣은 것이다. 그 잠깐의 happening으로 J와 나는 웃으며 장난과 스킨십을 번갈아가며 술을 하게 되었고, 어느정도 술이 올랐을 때 Y가 J에게 “M(나) 어떠냐?” 물었다. 가만히 담배를 피우던 나는 옆에 앉은 J를 바라보니 J는 쑥스러운지 “에이~ 어리잖아. 나이차이 때문에 안되.”라며 어슬픈 웃음을 지었다. Y는 “뭐 어때? M이 선배 좋아해도 뿌리칠껀 아니잖아?”라고 되묻자. J는 “얘가 나를? 에이~ 말도 안되.”라며 웃으며 손을 흔들었다. Y는 내내 “그건 모르는 거야.”라며 J에게 술을 따랐다.

내가 본 J의 첫인상은 She has an hourglass figure. 키가 165정도 되는 glamour girl이다. 물론 나이는 30대 초반이라 진짜 girl은 아니지만, 성격도 온순하고 포근한 이미지였다. 긴 생머리에 뿔테안경을 착용한 J는 좀 선생님 concept 이랄까. 좋게 무르익은 분위기에서 갑자기 예전 girlfriend의 전화가 왔다. 좀 난감했지만, 대수롭지 않게 숨김없이 통화했다. J는 나의 전화에 무지 관심을 보이면서 “헤어진 여자친구와 왜 만나기로 약속을 했어? 다시 잘해보려고?”라고 물었다. 나는 그건 아니라고 말했다. 그러자 J는 나에게 바람둥이냐며 질책을 시작했다. 나는 그게 아니라 헤어진 여자친구가 나를 보고 싶다며 안면몰수하고 전화를 할때는 그만한 이유가 있을테고, 내가 굳이 걔를 피할 이유가 없기에 걔가 바라는대로 만나주겠다고 수락한거지. 내가 보고 싶어서 보는 건 아니라고 딱 잘랐다. 엡솔루트가 바닥이 드러날때쯤 J는 Y를 보내고 한잔 더 하자며 은근슬쩍 물어봤고, 나는 사양했다. “이따가 동네로 돌아가서 전 여자친구를 만나기로 약속을 해서 어쩔 수 없이 지켜야 한다.”며 택시를 타고 돌아서는데 솔직히 아쉬움이 컷다. 그래도 명함도 받았고, after를 약속해서 미련없이 출발했다. 지금은 그 after의 적절한 시기를 재고 있을 뿐이다.

<이미지 출처 : www.stylepeach.co.kr>

2009년 1월 11일 일요일

10대의 연애

요즘 청소년과 어린이들의 이성교제 시기가 너무 성급하다는 매스컴과 뉴스를 보면 말이지. 10년전이나 15년전 우리들도 다 마찬가지였는데.. 내 생각에 성급하다는 말은 성교에 눈을 뜨는 시기가 너무 빠르다는 의미 같다. 글쎄다. 성장과 발육에는 사람마다 차이가 있기에 정신적인 측면이나 수용하는 자세 역시 어쩔 수 없는 것이다. 그걸 임의로 조절한다는 것은 인간의 욕구를 막는 자유 침해 행위 아닌가? 너무 법적인 표현을 하자면 serious 하니깐. ANYWAY!!

나의 중학교 영어 과외선생님 James가 하루는 “너는 너무 아무나 마음에 두는 것 같다”며, 나에게 ELLE 잡지를 주더니 “거기에 나온 모델 사진과 비슷한 이성을 찾아봐”라고 말했다. 솔직히 “중학교에 모델수준의 이쁜아이가 어디있겠냐. 여기가 니네나라도 아니고.”라고 생각하면서 잡지를 펼쳐 보았는데. 그 잡지를 다 본 뒤로 내 눈은 엄청나게 높아졌다.

지금 니가 짝사랑하는 그 애가 너무 만만하고, 니가 매일 마주치는 애들중에 제일 괜찮아 보이고, 왠지 대시하면 가능성이 보여서라고? STOP을 아는 남자가 진정한 선수다. 시도때도 없이 바뀌는 이상형과 갈대처럼 흔들리는 마음에 고민이라면 당장 이번달 코스모폴리탄과 엘르, 엘르걸, 보그, 보그걸, 얼루어 요렇게 6개만 보자. 다 보고난 뒤 너의 안목은 월드스타 비와 same.

단순하게 눈만 높아지라고 얘기를 하는게 아니죠. 직접적으로 체험할 수 없는 이성을 간접적으로라도 눈으로 체험을 하는거죠. 많은 이성들을 보면서 자신의 진짜 이상형을 찾고, 더 다듬는 과정을 통해서 너의 퀄리티를 up시키는게 우선이다. 뭔말인지 알지?

친구의 친구를 좋아한다면,, 둘 중 하나를 선택해야 한다. 여자냐? 우정이냐? 경험상 여자를 택하면 쓰레기되고, 우정을 택하면 맨날 속이 쓰라린 고통을 느끼게 된다. 여자가 마음속에서 저물어갈때까지 친구를 피하는게 상책이다. 홀로 정리할 시간이 필요한거지. 아직 젊으니깐 한여자에 목숨을 바치는 무모한 행동은 삼가라는 깊은 의미다.

반대로, 친구가 내 여자친구를 좋아한다고? 친구 버려. 그 놈은 나이들어도 그럴꺼야. 내 여자친구가 친구를 좋아하는 것 같다고? 둘다 버려. 이건 명령이다.

sex가 주는 희열 때문에 니 여자친구는 매일 달력보면서 생리를 해야할텐데 손톱만 깨물게 뻔하고, 너는 무슨 영웅인 듯 니 여자친구 자빠뜨린 무용담을 친구들에세 자랑하면서 하루하루를 살겠지. 이건 좀 아니잖아. 어른들이 미숙한 시기에 성관계를 하는 것을 매우 반대하는 이유는 십중팔구 아이가 생길까봐서야. 낙퇴는 여자의 몸을 치명적으로 망가트려서 다시는 임신을 못하는 불임이 생길 확률이 높고, 수술도중 천공(수술도구로 인해 자궁에 생긴작은 구멍)이 생겨서 피가 멈추지 않으면 그대로 사망이야. 물론 예외적이지만. 수술이 잘 되어도 정신적인 스트레스는 여자는 물론, 남자도 받아. 니 자식을 죽여도 되는지 병원에서 사인을 해야 수술을 하거든. 이거 꿈에서도 나온다. 평생 죄책감을 가지고 살아야해.

정말 못참겠어서 서로의 합의하에 느껴보고 싶다면, 피임에 대한 사전지식을 미리 풍부하게 쌓아놓고, 남자는 콘돔껴보는 연습도 좀 하고, 시작과 끝에 항상 주의를 기울이기 바란다. 마지막까지 아름다운 사랑과 추억으로 남고싶다면 말이지. 횽한테 질문해도되. anytime.
입시지옥 대한민국에서의 10대는 그야말로 전쟁이다. 연애의 전쟁. 예전부터 남아선호 사상으로 남여 성비율이 불균형되어 너의 적 숫컷들이 넘쳐나는 시대에 살고 있다. 더불어 다산을 하지 않으니까 한반에 정원 30명 시대라는데 아직은 피부로 와 닿지가 않지? 나 때도 그랬거든. 연애는 하되, 어른처럼 하자. 지금 널 좋아해주는 그 애가 확률상 너와 만날 우연은 매우 감사할 일이다.
<이미지 출처 : www.yubsshop.com>

헤어지기 쉬운 여자

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