2009년 3월 23일 월요일

Ukraine's gas pipelines cannot be upgraded without Russia, Moscow tells Kyiv, Brussels

Moscow - Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko doubts the Ukrainian gas transportation system can be upgraded without Russia.

"We were puzzled by a clearly bilateral format of the agreements expected to be signed after this conference, and already signed by the European Union and Ukraine," Shmatko said in an interview with NTV television on Monday.

"We are going to issue a relevant statement right now and we'll try to persuade our European and Ukrainian colleagues to cooperate in a trilateral format on a problem of such importance for Russia, Ukraine and Europe," Shmatko said on the sidelines of an international conference on gas transportation system modernization in Brussels.

"The problem of upgrading the Ukrainian gas transportation system does exist and the European Union is concerned," Russia's EU ambassador Vladimir Chizhov told NTV television.

"I see a trilateral format of cooperation between Russia, Ukraine and the EU as the only way to resolve the whole set of these problems effectively - naturally with international financial institutions involved," Chizhov said.



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